Driven by the spirit of enterprise and the aspiration to create a better future, we wish to become a global leader in the fight against pollution. We want to achieve the highest standards of technology, while still emphasizing the need for sustainable and economical solutions. We promise to deliver and to excel our ventures by working effortlessly to deliver our collective dream for a greener and safer future for everyone
Our services
Waste management
Specialized in providing total waste management programme , that are tied to your specific environmental needs. ...more
Bio Mining
Bio mining is a low cost, simple, less time consumable and eco friendly method of treating open waste dumps. ...more
Faecal Sludge Management
Relatively new and rapidly growing field to be carefully considered in technology implementation. ...more
Food Forest
A food forest is a powerful way to grow food by mimicking the structure of a forest. ...more
Green Campus
A Green campus is true of environment sustainability balancing functions and design with existing and fore seen resources. ...more
Some of our organic products
Our Associates
We assure and value the strategic partnership approaching with our customers. We offer our support to become successful in achieving all your environmental protection efforts. Backed by last 10 years of environmental experience and Nation-wide contact network, Tropical Environmental Consultants has the expertise and capability to render support for managing all your environmental needs..